MAMMOTh API description
It is the REST API with JSON response.
using it you should add the next paths to the current page address.
Access database description.
/stat - get the document with database
/information/{ID} - get the information about database object by
their ID.
Access MAMMOTh substances information.
/substances-syn/ - the list of
available substance synonyms in MAMMOTh.
/substances-syn/{name} - the list of available substance
synonyms that matches the
{name} pattern.
/substances-syn/{name}/full - the list of available substance
synonyms that
exactly matches the
{name} pattern.
/substances-syn/{name}/for - the list of available substance
synonyms for substance, which name
exactly matches the
{name} pattern.
/substances/ - the list of available
substances in MAMMOTh
/substances/{name} - the list of available substances in MAMMOTh
that matches the
{name} pattern (without searching by synonyms).
/substances/{name}/full - the list of available substances in
MAMMOTh that
exactly matches the
{name} pattern (without searching by synonyms).
Access MAMMOTh structural models information
/models-short/ - the list of
available structural models in MAMMOTh.
/models-short/{ID} - the list of available structural models in
MAMMOTh which ID matches the
{ID} pattern.
/models-short/{substanceID}/search - get the list of available
structural models in MAMMOTh which have the substance with identifier
{substanceID} in it.
/models-short/entityRole -
the list of structural models where the selected substance is take part
NOTE! Substrate in reversible model is a product too, and vice
versa. To do such search, please, use the request like:
- the structural models description about entries amount
(substrates,products and modifiers)
NOTE! Substrate in reversible model is a product too, and vice
versa. Request returns all cases that are matched. You can combine
request to search concrete model pattern:
Access MAMMOTh models full information
/models/ - the list of available models in
MAMMOTh (Full model description).
/models/{ID} - the list of available models in MAMMOTh which ID
matches the
{ID} pattern (Full model description).
If you want to get models associated with the substance 'ATP' you
should make the following steps:
1) Find the substance entity corresponding to the 'ATP'
/substances-syn/ATP - returns the list
of substance synonyms matching the requested name
You are interested in
'substanceId' parameter. It is the identifier of the
substance entity in MAMMOTh. You can get the full substance
entity description by the following requests:
/substances/SS0000065/full or
2) Request the models that contain selected substance:
- returns the list of models with short descriptions of model scheme,
substances that are input/output/regulators, reversibility of the
process and model identifiers (Identifiers are: gnid - structural
model, mmid - mathematical model, psid - parameter set).
3) Full mathematical model description available by the
/models/GN0000067 - gives complete
information about the model stored in MAMMOTh.
Please, send all questions to kazfdr [@]